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Coaching and training for
personal and professional mastery

Meet Russell

Mind-Body Performance Coach


I coach executives on conscious leadership through emotional intelligence

The post-pandemic era is still showing pains amongst operation, management, leadership and company-culture shifts that require adaptability, receptivity, tolerance and courage to endure.
As a coach and facilitator for emotional intelligence through positive psychology; I coach how to respond to in-house, interpersonal issues with humility, tact and direction. People create, but also fix problems, and we owe it to each other to exercise our growth without shame, ego and fear.


Build and fortify your foundation on mutual respect, openness and vulnerability, creative problem-solving and doing the right thing at all costs to flex courage, boldness and perseverance. Exemplify golden standards that set you apart and deem you exceptional.


All I care about is how you authentically perform today to deliver on your commitments while creating space and structure for growth, expansion, authority and progress that elegantly simplifies life.


Let's build together on the four stoic virtues: wisdom, courage, justice and temperance.


I train for quality movement and longevity

As your physical trainer, I use exercise science for strengthening, lengthening, releasing and conditioning the body to reflect our values for growth, refinement and longevity.


With backgrounds in: martial arts, athletic conditioning, yoga, classical ballet, physical therapy, shiatsu and now modeling, I employ various protocols to transform the body with discipline and style.


Your program is bespoke, and includes hands-on manipulations for quality of movement and deep tissue manipulation for pain-relief, mobility, posture and more.


This is my life's work

It's vital to my mission that I serve with meaning and accomplishment through my technical skills in physical therapy and coaching that embody my values of honesty, openness, discernment, sharing/teaching and applying ourselves gracefully, tactfully. 


Being fiercely relationship driven, I am proud to oversee growth unfold while doing my part to improve and progress our missions with compassion and ownership.


My methods include deep, honest inquiry into what you intend while conceptualizing your program based on practicality, practice, perseverance and patience.


Having a deep, visceral connection to our mission starts with an integrated intention and demands your effort from motivation and discipline to doing the seemingly impossible, like showing up to do the physical and emotional work our minds refuse.


Imagine how stress infiltrates the body and how many diseases inside and out can be prevented by doing your part to physically maintain and honor yourself.


Be held accountable for your mind and body so you can go the distance and let that be part of your success story over and over.

Private Services

Image by charlesdeluvio

Remote/On-Site Coaching

Level, then level up. Let's work out the kinks that hinder progress and action by calling out what limitations hold you back while practicing higher principles.



Image by Jeremy Vessey


A higher octave that demands clearer insights and integration of shadow work navigating towards mastery of self and towards conscious leadership.


Young Athlete


Body conditioning with pique intensity towards coordination, strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health. Refine your body, mind and heart for performance and longevity.


Group Services


Morning Alignment

Get your day going with a morning meditation and breathwork, introspection and deep inquiry for performing with intention despite your limitations.


Online Meeting


Headliner classes hone in on major topics from life/job transitions, relationships, healing techniques and lifestyle through peer-peer coaching


Next Steps


Contact Russell

Via chat to schedule your discovery call to begin the first day of your program, assessments and disclosures.


Preparing for Session

Get assigned prep work for body and mind to maximize your session for growth sans redundancy.



Being present, focused and engaged is a start. Whatever happens is going to propel you forward with better tools.

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